Monday, August 20, 2012

Woods English - Grade 9 Syllabus

9th Grade Syllabus

Ms. Woods



  • To discover world literature and thereby discover the history, ideas, revolutions, and relationships that shape our global community.
  • To allow students to deepen their understanding of literature and its roots within society in alignment with the Common Core Standards.
  • To encourage students to develop their own literary abilities: critical, analytical and creative writing, and thinking.
  • To provide students with the opportunity to improve their writing skills by using the Writing Process.
  • To increase social and cooperative problem-solving skills by working in groups and pairs.
  • To help students develop their public speaking and communication skills. To enhance all four aspects of communication:Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking.
  • To prepare students for the rigor of high school, college, and the workplace.


Course of Study:

Of Mice and Men?????????????????????????

To Kill a Mockingbird???????????????????? Night

The Odyssey ?????????????????????????????????????? Greek and Roman Mythology

Othello ????????????????????????????????????? Creative and Analytical Writing


90%+ = A,????? 80%+ = B,????? 70%+ = C,????? 60%+ = D,????? 59% ? = F

My contact information:



Ms. Woods? Steps to Success

  1. 1.????? Be prepared.
    1. a.????? Physically and mentally be in class ready to learn.
    2. b.????? Arrive on time.
    3. c.?????? Remain in class for the whole period; plan your bathroom breaks for break.
    4. d.????? Turn in all your work on time with your name on it.
    5. e.????? Have your books, notebook paper, and pens. Only typed papers or papers written in blue or black ink will be accepted.
    6. f.??????? Work hard and stay on task.
    7. g.????? Save graded work each quarter.
    8. 2.????? Be respectful and humane.
      1. a.????? Respect the teachers, your classmates, and yourself.
      2. b.????? Respect other people?s property.
      3. c.?????? Act with kindness and compassion.
      4. d.????? Listen to others when they are speaking.
      5. e.????? Encourage your classmates.
      6. f.??????? Keep your voice at a reasonable level and observe times when you need to be quiet.
    9. 3.????? Be appropriate.
      1. a.????? Use appropriate language in class and on assignments.
      2. b.????? Make sure your cell phone, iPod, and other electronic devices are off during class.
      3. c.?????? Wear clothes that are conducive to learning. Sweatshirt hoods need to be off your head.
      4. d.????? Always use your best judgment, and when in doubt ask me.

Binder Requirements ? 9th Grade

In order to help all students succeed, I will be giving explicit instruction in organization and study skills. All students are required to bring a three-ring binder to class each day. It can be a large binder that they use for multiple classes, or a separate binder just for English class. Binders must contain the following items:


  1. blank notebook paper, college ruled
  2. a pencil pouch containing
    1. at least two pens (blue or black ink) to be used in English class, as well as:
    2. two pencils,
    3. an eraser,
    4. one highlighter
  1. a pocket-folder for handouts and assignments
  2. dividers labeled with the following tabs:
    1. syllabus for each academic class
    2. Cornell Notes
    3. ongoing assignments
    4. handouts
    5. completed work
    6. returned work (to be kept until after each report card period, then filed at home)

Binders will be checked on Fridays. Each student will be graded on the completeness of the binder. Students who do not bring their binders on Friday will miss points given for that week.


First binder check: Friday, August 24

?Homework Guidelines ? Email

IMPORTANT CHANGE this year: the teachers of the Tech High English Department have decided that we will no longer accept homework submitted via email. Except for assignments turned in exclusively to the new Criterion program, all homework assignments must be turned in on paper.

To protect yourself in the event of lost homework, you may ALSO send an electronic copy. The electronic copy will not be graded, nor will I have time during class to check whether I received it.

Turn-In Policy

  1. All work must be done in blue or black ink, whether hand-written or typed.
  2. Pages must be whole and complete ? no half-pages, rips or tears. Take pride in the work that you give me!
  3. Include a proper heading in MLA format. Points will be subtracted for incomplete headings. This protects you by ensuring that each student receives proper credit for his or her work.

Late Policy

I do accept late work, but there are limits. Be sure that you are familiar with these guidelines:

  1. For each school day an assignment is late, 20% (two latter grades) will be subtracted from the grade earned, down to 60%. Work that is over 5 days late may be accepted on a case-by-case basis. Check with me.
  2. Once the class has moved on to a new unit, I will not accept late work from the previous unit. This is to ensure that homework is done while it still has relevance to students? learning.
  3. If you are absent for any reason, it is your responsibility to see me outside of class time in order to receive instructions to make up work.

Technology High School Cheating Policy

    • 1st offense:? Zero grade on the assignment and a consequence subject to teacher discretion
    • 2nd offense:? One grade reduction on semester grade, coupled with a 1-day suspension
    • 3rd offense:? Two grade reduction on semester grade, coupled with a 5-day suspension





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