Wednesday, April 4, 2012

'Pay As You Go' HD Connect satellite service for low-cost video ...

VC over VSAT and internet using various devices

Temasys and Emerging Markets Communications (EMC) partner to use ?Pay As You Go? HD Connect satellite service to provide low cost, HD enterprise-class video anywhere, anytime, on any device.

The applications for Emerging Markets Communications? (EMC?s) HD Connect empowered by the Temasys Vidyo Cloud reportedly include desert locations deep in Asia and oil rigs in the Pacific to ocean- going maritime vessels and land-locked remote mining facilities, videoconferencing for medical, engineering, operations and other reasons.

No special video equipment is required: a web cam connected to a laptop simply accesses EMC?s HD Connect and joins multiple parties around the globe via Temasys Vidyo Cloud servers located in strategic data centres in the world?s major economic and developing regions. With an innovative ?pay as you go? format, videoconferences can be conducted at a fraction of the price of a typical dedicated satellite data circuit. The combination of EMC?s HD Connect and Temasys Vidyo Cloud can reportedly show a 70 to 80% reduction in the cost of a VC network when compared with the use of legacy systems.

?The combination of EMC?s HD Connect and Temasys Vidyo Cloud can reportedly show a 70 to 80% reduction in the cost of a VC network when compared with the use of legacy systems.

In today?s global business environment, there are times when one or more of the parties needed for a videoconference does not have access to the public internet nor to a network capable of supporting access to multiple participants around the globe. Until now, the only solution to this situation was equipment intensive and prohibitively expensive.

To address this challenge, Temasys, a Vidyo Service Provider with a global network of servers and infrastructure to support their ?Video (Vidyo) as a Cloud? service proposition, teamed up with EMC, a premier provider of hybrid global satellite and terrestrial communications services. Using EMC?s HD Connect service, which is the industry?s first on demand, ?pay as you go? high definition (HD) video conferencing over satellite service,

Real-time testing

Temasys and EMC successfully conducted a multinational Vidyo conference, using a satellite link to simulate access into geographically-remote locations. For this conference, four participants located in Miami, Florida, Hanoi, Vietnam and Singapore used a variety of devices as end-points. Participants in Miami and Hanoi used standard laptops. One Singapore participant used an iMac and one simply used a Smart Phone ? an iPhone4. During the 30-minute conference, documents and presentations were shared along with a simultaneous medical education video.

Bill Lewis, managing director of Temasys Communications, explained, ?The routing of this call was chosen to optimise the quality of the experience. The EMC earth stations used were located in Miami and Hawaii and were connected to one of EMC?s Pacific VSAT satellites. We used our Singapore data centre to authenticate the call and then used our California data centre to host the call. If any of the participants on the call had been located in Europe, we could have also connected our Amsterdam data centre into the network. Having a global network of Vidyo servers located in three major regions, backed by EMC?s industry-leading technology, allows us to offer a superlative VaaS proposition.?

Tom Luketich, VP of Strategic Marketing for EMC, said, ?This demonstration was a remarkable illustration of the ability to bring high quality, affordable, rich videoconference and visual collaboration experiences to participants located in some of the hardest-to-reach areas of the globe. The ability to allow participants to use virtually any desk top or mobile device to participate in the conference adds a level of flexibility that is increasingly important to today?s mobile workforce.?

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